Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw Recipe – Hungarian Chef

Last Updated on October 2, 2023

We’re diving into a recipe that’s as timeless as the creatures it’s named after – the Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw. This isn’t just any coleslaw. This is a side dish with a history, an explosion of flavors hailing from the renowned Dinosaur Barbeque restaurant, famed for its mouth-watering, finger-licking BBQ dishes.

Their coleslaw is a beloved companion to their barbecued treats, offering a tangy, refreshing counterpoint to the smoky, rich flavors of their meats. Made with crisp cabbage, zesty vinegar, creamy mayonnaise, and a secret blend of spices, this coleslaw is a symphony of textures and tastes that will make your taste buds dance.

Whether you’re a seasoned BBQ enthusiast or a curious foodie, this Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw recipe will bring a touch of prehistoric magic to your table. So, put on your apron, gather your ingredients, and let’s get ready to create a dish that’s truly dinosaur-sized in flavor!

dinosaur barbeque coleslaw recipe

What is dinosaur barbeque coleslaw?

The origins of the Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw can be traced back to 1983 when the first Dinosaur Barbeque restaurant opened its doors in Syracuse, New York. The founders of the restaurant, John Stage and two friends, had a vision to create a one-of-a-kind BBQ joint that would serve up mouth-watering smoked meats and hearty sides.

One of their standout dishes was the Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw, which quickly gained popularity among customers. Its tangy and creamy flavors perfectly complemented the bold flavors of the barbequed dishes, making it a must-try for every visitor.

Since then, the Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw has become a signature dish at all their locations, and its recipe remains a closely guarded secret. However, that hasn’t stopped food enthusiasts from trying to recreate it in their kitchens.

The Coleslaw is known for its unique blend of flavors and ingredients that set it apart from traditional coleslaw recipes. It is made with shredded cabbage, vinegar, sugar, mayonnaise, and a secret blend of spices that give it its irresistible taste.

The dish has become a staple at the Dinosaur Barbeque restaurants and is often served alongside their signature barbequed meats.

Why You’ll Love this dinosaur barbeque coleslaw?

One reason you’ll love Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw is its versatility. It can be served as a side dish with a range of meals, particularly grilled or barbecued meats. It provides a refreshing, crunchy contrast to rich, smoky flavors. Moreover, it’s the perfect coleslaw for a BBQ party or a family gathering.

Another reason to love this coleslaw is its balance of sweetness, tanginess, and creaminess. The combination of vinegar, sugar, and mayonnaise in the dressing creates a delightful balance that’s both tangy and sweet, while the sour cream adds a hint of creaminess. Plus, the addition of BBQ sauce gives it a unique twist that sets it apart from other coleslaw recipes.

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The Ingredients 

Carrots: Carrots are a key ingredient in many coleslaw recipes, including the Dinosaur Barbecue Coleslaw recipe. They add a nice crunch and a touch of sweetness to the dish. Moreover, carrots are high in vitamins and fiber, making them a healthy addition to the coleslaw.

Cabbage: Cabbage is the base of any coleslaw recipe. Its crisp texture and slightly bitter flavor balance out the sweetness of other ingredients. It’s also packed with nutrients like vitamins C and K. In the Dinosaur Barbecue Coleslaw recipe, cabbage is chopped finely to blend well with other ingredients and absorb the dressing effectively.

Kosher Salt: Kosher salt is used to season the coleslaw. It has a larger grain size than table salt, allowing for a more even distribution throughout the dish. It helps to bring out the natural flavors of the vegetables and dressing ingredients.

Pepper: Pepper adds a bit of heat to the coleslaw, providing a nice contrast to the cool, creamy mayonnaise and tangy vinegar.

Mayonnaise: Mayonnaise is what gives coleslaw its creamy texture. The Dinosaur Barbecue Coleslaw recipe uses a good amount of mayonnaise to ensure each bite is rich and satisfying.

Garlic: Pressed garlic infuses the coleslaw with a subtle hint of earthiness. This ingredient adds depth to the flavor profile of the Dinosaur Barbecue Coleslaw.

Brown Sugar: Granulated brown sugar enhances the natural sweetness of the vegetables and balances the tanginess of the cider vinegar. Its slight molasses flavor also contributes a unique depth to the coleslaw’s overall taste.

Cider Vinegar: Cider vinegar introduces a tangy note that cuts through the richness of the mayonnaise. It’s essential to achieve the right balance of flavors in the Dinosaur Barbecue Coleslaw.

Celery Seed: Celery seed brings a slight bitterness and a unique, earthy flavor that rounds out the coleslaw’s taste. It’s a small ingredient that makes a significant impact on the overall flavor of the dish.

Onion: Grated onion contributes a bit of sharpness to the Dinosaur Barbecue Coleslaw. However, its inclusion is optional for those who might not enjoy its strong smell or taste. It’s versatile enough to be included or left out, based on personal preference.

dinosaur barbeque coleslaw

Step by Step Instructions

Step 1: Prepare the Vegetables

Start by finely shredding both the cabbage and carrots. You can choose to use either a food processor or a sharp knife for this task. Ensure the vegetables are finely shredded for a great texture.

Step 2: Season the Vegetables

In a large mixing bowl, combine the shredded vegetables with kosher salt, pepper, and celery seed. Make sure to toss the mixture well, ensuring that the seasoning is evenly distributed throughout the vegetables.

Step 3: Prepare the Dressing

Now, move on to creating the dressing. In a separate bowl, whisk together mayonnaise, cider vinegar, brown sugar, and pressed garlic. This mixture forms the flavorful dressing for your coleslaw.

Step 4: Dress the Vegetables

Pour the prepared dressing over the seasoned vegetables in the mixing bowl. Mix everything thoroughly, ensuring that all the vegetables are evenly coated with the dressing.

Step 5: Refrigerate and Develop Flavors

Cover the mixing bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate it for at least an hour. This time allows the flavors to meld and develop, resulting in a tastier coleslaw.

Step 6: Final Toss and Seasoning Adjustment

Before serving, give the coleslaw a final toss to ensure the dressing is well distributed. Taste it and adjust the seasoning if necessary, adding more salt, pepper, or other seasonings to your liking.

Optional Step: For a creamier coleslaw, consider adding a dollop of sour cream to the dressing mixture before tossing it with the vegetables.


  • To make the shredding process easier, cut the cabbage into wedges first. This will allow for a better grip while shredding.
  • For best results, let the coleslaw sit in the refrigerator for at least an hour before serving. This allows time for the flavors to develop fully.
  • If you’re not a fan of sharp onion flavor, you can substitute grated onion with 1-2 tablespoons of finely diced green onions.
  • For a more smoky and robust flavor, try using a hickory or mesquite-flavored BBQ sauce in the dressing mixture.
  • Don’t limit yourself to just serving this coleslaw as a side dish. It also makes for a great topping on pulled pork sandwiches or burgers.
  • Leftovers can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Just give it a quick toss before serving again.
dinosaur barbeque coleslaw

Nutrition Information

How to store dinosaur barbeque coleslaw?

The Dinosaur Barbecue Coleslaw can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Just give it a quick toss before serving again. If you plan on storing it for longer, consider leaving out the onions and adding them fresh each time you serve the coleslaw as they tend to get stronger in flavor when stored. The coleslaw can also be stored in the freezer for up to a month, but it’s best enjoyed fresh. To thaw, simply leave it in the refrigerator overnight and give it a good toss before serving.


  • For a healthier option, consider substituting half of the mayonnaise with Greek yogurt.
  • Add chopped fresh herbs like parsley, cilantro, or dill for an extra pop of flavor and freshness.
  • To make it more colorful, add some shredded red cabbage or thinly sliced red onion to the mix.
  • Serve as a side dish to any BBQ meats, such as ribs, pulled pork, or brisket.
  • Use it as a topping for burgers, hot dogs, or sandwiches.
  • Add some extra crunch by mixing in toasted nuts or seeds like almonds, sunflower seeds, or sesame seeds.
dinosaur barbeque coleslaw

Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw Recipe

We're diving into a recipe that's as timeless as the creatures it's named after – the Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw.
Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 35 minutes
Course: Side Dish
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw Recipe
Servings: 6
Calories: 171kcal


  • cutting board
  • knife, bowl
  • serving glass


  • For Vegetables
  • 12 cups fresh cabbage finely chopped, Slice 1 inch long and ¼ inch wide
  • 4 cups shredded carrots
  • For Dressing
  • 2/3 cup granulated brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp. kosher salt
  • 2 tbsp. pepper
  • 2 tsp. pressed garlic
  • 3 cups mayonnaise
  • 6 tsp. cider vinegar
  • 2 tsp. celery seed
  • 4 tsp. grated onion


  • Finely shred cabbage and carrots, using a food processor or knife.
  • In a large bowl, mix shredded veggies with salt, pepper, and celery seed.
  • In a separate bowl, whisk together mayo, cider vinegar, brown sugar, and garlic.
  • Pour dressing over veggies, coat them well, and refrigerate for at least an hour.
  • Before serving, toss coleslaw again and adjust the seasoning to taste.
  • Optional Step: For creamier coleslaw, add sour cream to the dressing mixture.


  • To make the shredding process easier, cut the cabbage into wedges first. This will allow for a better grip while shredding.
  • For best results, let the coleslaw sit in the refrigerator for at least an hour before serving. This allows time for the flavors to develop fully.
  • If you’re not a fan of sharp onion flavor, you can substitute grated onion with 1-2 tablespoons of finely diced green onions.
  • For a more smoky and robust flavor, try using a hickory or mesquite-flavored BBQ sauce in the dressing mixture.
  • Don’t limit yourself to just serving this coleslaw as a side dish. It also makes for a great topping on pulled pork sandwiches or burgers.
  • Leftovers can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Just give it a quick toss before serving again.


Calories: 171kcal
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Q: Can I use a different type of vinegar instead of cider vinegar?
A: While cider vinegar is recommended for its unique, fruity tanginess, you can also use other types of vinegar. White vinegar or even red wine vinegar could work. However, each type of vinegar will subtly change the flavor profile of the coleslaw, so keep that in mind.
Q: Why use kosher salt instead of regular table salt?
A: Kosher salt has larger crystals than regular table salt, which allows it to distribute more evenly throughout the coleslaw. It also has a cleaner, less metallic taste than table salt.

Q: Can I add other vegetables to this coleslaw?
A: Absolutely! Coleslaw is a versatile dish and can be customized based on your preferences. You could add in thinly sliced bell peppers, shredded Brussels sprouts, or even julienned apples for a sweet twist. Just remember to adjust the amount of dressing accordingly.

Wrapping Up

The Dinosaur Barbecue Coleslaw recipe is a perfect blend of flavors, textures, and ingredients. Its tangy, sweet, and smoky dressing combined with crunchy vegetables makes it a crowd-pleasing side dish or topping.

Plus, it’s easy to make and can be stored for a couple of days, making it a convenient option for busy weeknights or gatherings. Give this recipe a try, and you’ll never go back to store-bought coleslaw again! Also, please let us know in the comments below if you have any personal variations or tips for making this delicious dish.

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Lori Walker is a passionate dietitian and food lover. She offers simple and nutritious recipes that don't take long to cook. In addition to sharing delicious dishes, she also shares useful advice on saving time and money in the kitchen. She believes that with a bit of creativity, anyone can make healthy meals that won't break the bank. Read more

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