Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw Recipe – Hungarian Chef

Last Updated on March 20, 2024

Dinosaur Bar-B-Que is a chain of restaurants based in New York City that specializes in slow-cooked barbecue. Their signature sauce has been developed over the last 25 years and has become legendary for its flavor, texture, and aroma.

The restaurant’s famous Dinosaur Bar-B-Que Coleslaw is the perfect side dish for any BBQ meal. This recipe is easy to follow and can be made in a few minutes – ideal for busy nights when you’re looking for a quick yet tasty solution.

Whether you are cooking for a small group or a large crowd, this is sure to impress! Not only does it pair perfectly with all your favorite BBQ dishes, but its light texture and bright flavors make it a healthy addition to any meal.

Read on to discover how to make the perfect Dinosaur Bar-B-Que Coleslaw with this easy guide! Make this BBQ coleslaw tonight and experience the delicious taste of dinosaur bar-b-que for yourself.

Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw Recipe

Want more coleslaw recipes? Check these:

What is Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw?

Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw is a classic side dish that is popular in BBQ restaurants and homes alike. It’s an easy way to add crunch, flavor, and nutrition to any meal.

This coleslaw combines red and green cabbage with crunchy carrots and a tangy dressing made from Dinosaur BBQ sauce, cider vinegar, sugar, and mayonnaise.

It’s a delicious side dish that is sure to please the whole family. You can serve this coleslaw as an appetizer or even as a salad – the possibilities are endless!

What does it taste like?

Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw has a unique and delicious flavor. The tangy BBQ sauce gives the slaw its signature taste, while the sweet sugar and tart cider vinegar add depth of flavor.

The fresh cabbage and crunchy carrots provide texture, making this dish surprisingly satisfying. This coleslaw is light yet flavorful – perfect for any BBQ feast! It will tantalize your taste buds and add a unique twist to your meal.

How did I first get introduced to the Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw?

I first heard about the Dinosaur Bar-B-Que Coleslaw from my friend who had visited the restaurant in NYC. He told me about the amazing BBQ they served and how much he enjoyed their signature dish – the Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw.

At first, I was a bit skeptical because I had never tasted anything like it before. But when I finally had the chance to visit the Dinosaur Bar-B-Que restaurant myself, I was instantly blown away.

The food was amazing and the coleslaw was no exception. It was light yet flavorful, with a tangy sauce that complemented everything else on the plate perfectly.

The more I visited Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, the more I appreciated their signature coleslaw. After a few visits, I started noticing the flavors and ingredients that made up this delicious dish. I realized that it was surprisingly easy to recreate at home with just a few simple ingredients.

I decided to give it a try and was amazed by how quickly it came together. With the help of an online recipe and some guidance from the restaurant staff, I was able to make a delicious and flavorful coleslaw in minutes.

Since then, I’ve made Dinosaur Bar-B-Que Coleslaw at home countless times. It’s become one of my go-to side dishes for any BBQ meal, and it always gets rave reviews from my family and friends.

I’m thrilled to be able to share this recipe with you and let you experience the delicious flavor of Dinosaur Bar-B-Que Coleslaw at home!

How to make Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw?

Making Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw is easy and only takes a few minutes. All you need are a few simple ingredients and follow the step-by-step instructions below.

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  • Dinosaur BBQ sauce: this tangy, sticky sauce is the star of this coleslaw recipe. You can use store-bought or make your own using our easy homemade BBQ sauce recipe.
  • Red cabbage: red cabbage adds crunch and a hint of sweetness to this slaw. It’s also loaded with antioxidants and vitamins A and C!
  • Green cabbage: green cabbage adds crispness and a mild, earthy flavor.
  • Cider vinegar: this tangy ingredient gives the slaw its classic acidic kick.
  • Salt and pepper: these two ingredients season the salad to perfection!
  • Carrot: carrots add sweetness, crunch, and a boost of nutrition to your coleslaw.
  • Sugar: sugar helps balance out all the other ingredients and adds a subtle sweetness.
  • Mayonnaise: This creamy condiment helps bind all the other ingredients together.
Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw Recipe

Step-by-step instructions

Step 1

Start by cutting the red and green cabbage into thin strips. Place them in a large bowl and set aside. Grate the carrot and add it to the bowl with the cabbage.

Step 2

In a separate bowl, combine the BBQ sauce, cider vinegar, salt, pepper, sugar, and mayonnaise. Whisk everything together until it’s well combined.

Step 3

Pour the dressing over the cabbage and carrot mixture, stirring to coat everything evenly. Taste and adjust seasoning if needed.

Step 4

Serve the slaw immediately.


  • Make sure to cut or grate your vegetables evenly so they cook at the same rate.
  • If you don’t have time to make your own BBQ sauce, feel free to use store-bought.
  • Add more mayonnaise if you like a creamier slaw.
  • You can also add other types of vegetables, such as red onion or bell peppers, for extra flavor and color.
  • To make this slaw even more flavorful, try adding a few tablespoons of diced pickles or a teaspoon of mustard.
  • For an extra kick, sprinkle a bit of cayenne pepper over the top before serving.
  • Try adding some chopped herbs like parsley or chives for a fresh flavor boost.
  • You can also substitute Greek yogurt for mayonnaise if you want to lighten up this dish.
Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw Recipe
Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw Recipe

Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw Recipe

Dinosaur Bar-B-Que is a chain of restaurants based in New York City that specializes in slow-cooked barbecue. Their signature sauce has been developed over the last 25 years and has become legendary for its flavor, texture, and aroma. The restaurant's famous Dinosaur Bar-B-Que Coleslaw is the perfect side dish for any BBQ meal. This recipe is easy to follow and can be made in a few minutes – ideal for busy nights when you're looking for a quick yet tasty solution.
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes
Course: Salad
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw Recipe
Servings: 3 people
Calories: 121kcal
Author: Lori Walker, RD & Recipe Developer


  • Bowl
  • knife


  • 1/4 cup Dinosaur BBQ sauce
  • 1/2 head of red cabbage
  • 2 tsp cider vinegar
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1/2 head of green cabbage
  • 1 large carrot
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1/4 cup mayonnaise


  • Start off by finely slicing the red and green cabbage and adding them to a large bowl. Don’t forget to grate the carrot, too! That’s what will give this dish its lovely texture.
  • In a separate bowl, mix together the BBQ sauce, cider vinegar, salt, pepper, sugar, and mayonnaise until everything is evenly combined.
  • Gradually pour the dressing over the cabbage and carrot mixture, stirring to ensure everything is well-coated. Give it a taste and adjust the seasoning if necessary.
  • Serve up this delicious coleslaw immediately! It’s sure to be a huge hit amongst your guests.



  • Make sure to cut or grate your vegetables evenly so they cook at the same rate.
  • If you don’t have time to make your own BBQ sauce, feel free to use store-bought.
  • Add more mayonnaise if you like a creamier slaw.
  • You can also add other types of vegetables, such as red onion or bell peppers, for extra flavor and color.
  • To make this slaw even more flavorful, try adding a few tablespoons of diced pickles or a teaspoon of mustard.
  • For an extra kick, sprinkle a bit of cayenne pepper over the top before serving.
  • Try adding some chopped herbs like parsley or chives for a fresh flavor boost.
  • You can also substitute Greek yogurt for mayonnaise if you want to lighten up this dish.


Calories: 121kcal
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Nutrition Information

What to serve with Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw?

Here are a few delicious ideas for serving Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw:

  • Serve it alongside your favorite BBQ main dish like ribs, pulled pork, or steak.
  • Enjoy it as part of a summer picnic with some grilled hot dogs and potato salad.
  • Pair it with crispy fried chicken for an easy but delicious dinner.
  • Use it as a topping for tacos or nachos.
  • Enjoy it as part of a light lunch with some grilled salmon and roasted vegetables.
  • Mix it into your favorite grain bowl for an extra crunchy element.
  • For breakfast, top your pancakes with the slaw for a unique twist on traditional toppings.

How to store leftover Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw?

Leftover Dinosaur Barbeque Coleslaw can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Make sure to stir it well before serving as some of the ingredients may settle at the bottom.

To freshen up leftovers, add a bit more BBQ sauce or vinegar and adjust the seasoning if needed. If you want to make the coleslaw in advance, you can prepare it up to one day ahead and store it in the refrigerator.

Just make sure not to add any extra mayonnaise until just before serving as this will keep the slaw from becoming soggy.

Can pregnant women eat this?

Yes, pregnant women can enjoy this BBQ Coleslaw recipe. It is important to note, however, that due to the ingredients used in the mayonnaise, it is best for pregnant women to avoid eating this dish if they have been advised by their doctor not to eat raw or lightly cooked eggs.

In general, coleslaw is considered a safe and nutritious snack for pregnant women. It is low in calories and fat, but high in fiber, Vitamin C, and antioxidants.

These nutrients can provide a range of benefits to both mom and baby during pregnancy. So, if it is okay with your doctor, you can definitely enjoy this BBQ Coleslaw recipe while expecting it!


Are there any vegetarian or vegan alternatives to this?

Yes! You can make a vegan version of this slaw by substituting vegan mayonnaise for regular mayonnaise and leaving out the BBQ sauce. The resulting dish will still be flavorful and delicious!

Can I use other types of cabbage in this?

Yes, you can use other types of cabbage, such as napa or savoy, in place of red and green cabbage. Just make sure to cut them into thin strips first before adding them to the bowl.

Do I need to use BBQ sauce in this?

No, you do not have to use BBQ sauce. If you don’t have time to make your own, feel free to use store-bought. You can also omit the BBQ sauce altogether and just add some extra cider vinegar or lemon juice for acidity.

What other ingredients could I add to this?

You can also add other types of vegetables, such as red onion or bell peppers, for extra flavor and color. To make this slaw even more flavorful, try adding a few tablespoons of diced pickles or a teaspoon of mustard. For an extra kick, sprinkle a bit of cayenne pepper over the top before serving. Try adding some chopped herbs like parsley or chives for a fresh flavor boost.

Wrapping Up

This BBQ Coleslaw is a delicious and healthy way to enjoy the flavor of summer. With just a few simple ingredients, you can create something that’s sure to be a hit!

Enjoy it as part of your next meal or snack – there are so many ways you can customize this dish to fit your taste buds.

Please share this article with anyone who might be looking for an easy and flavorful way to enjoy coleslaw. Thank you for reading.

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Lori Walker is a passionate dietitian and food lover. She offers simple and nutritious recipes that don't take long to cook. In addition to sharing delicious dishes, she also shares useful advice on saving time and money in the kitchen. She believes that with a bit of creativity, anyone can make healthy meals that won't break the bank. Read more

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