Costco Salmon Pesto Butter Recipe – Hungarian Chef

Last Updated on November 17, 2023

Are you looking for a delicious and easy-to-make recipe that your family will love?

Look no further than this Costco salmon pesto butter recipe. This simple and delicious dish is perfect for any occasion and will surely impress your family and guests.

It combines the flavors of salmon, pesto, and butter to make an amazing meal that everyone will enjoy.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss what the Costco salmon pesto butter is, what it tastes like, the ingredients and directions for making it, tips for making the perfect dish, nutrition information, what to serve with this dish, how to store leftovers, and what other substitutes can be used in the recipe.

We’ll also provide answers to frequently asked questions about this recipe.

costco salmon pesto butter recipe

What is Costco salmon pesto butter?

Costco is the third largest retailer in the world. They are known for their bulk goods and amazing quality products at affordable prices.

One of their popular products is the Costco salmon pesto butter.

This dish features premium, succulent salmon fillets topped with a flavorful mixture of butter, dill weed, and basil-infused pesto.

The ingredients are combined to create a delicious meal that is perfect for any occasion. The flavors of the salmon, pesto, and butter all meld together to create a unique and delicious dish that your family and guests will love.

What does it taste like?

This dish has a distinct flavor that combines the flavors of salmon, pesto, dill weed, and butter. The salmon has a mild and slightly sweet flavor, while the pesto adds a slight hint of garlic and herbs.

The butter adds a creamy and rich flavor to the dish that makes it even more delicious.

Together, the flavors of all the ingredients create a unique and delicious dish that will make your family and guests happy.

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The Ingredients

  • Salmon: This is the star of the dish. Use high-quality, fresh salmon fillets for the best flavor.
  • Butter: Unsalted butter is used to create a creamy and rich sauce.
  • Dill weed: This herb adds a citrusy and fragrant note to the dish that complements the other flavors well.
  • Pesto: Basil-infused pesto brings a burst of freshness and herbal notes to the dish.
costco salmon pesto butter


Here are the steps for making this delicious dish:

Step 1: Preheat the oven to 400°F.

Step 2: In a small bowl, blend the butter and pesto into a delectable mash using a trusty fork.

Step 3: Make the pesto butter In a small bowl, combine the pesto, butter, garlic, and lemon juice. Mix until the ingredients are well combined.

Step 4: Next, lay the salmon on a baking pan, making sure it rests skin-side down. Generously spread the pesto-butter concoction over the top, and for that extra burst of freshness, sprinkle on some vibrant dill.

Step 5: If you’re dealing with a conventional oven, let the magic happen for 15-17 minutes. Alternatively, if have an air fryer, speed things up a bit with a swift 10-15 minute cook, adjusting for thickness.

Step 6: Serve the salmon with your favorite sides and enjoy!


Here are some tips to help you make the perfect Costco salmon pesto butter:

– Make sure to use fresh and high-quality salmon for this recipe.

– You can use either store-bought or homemade pesto for this dish.

– The salmon should be cooked until it is just cooked through, about 15 minutes.

– Be careful not to overcook the salmon as it can become dry.

– To add extra flavor, you can add freshly chopped herbs to the pesto butter.

– If you don’t have any fresh garlic, you can use powdered garlic instead.

– You can use either salted or unsalted butter for this recipe.

costco salmon pesto butter

Nutrition Information

One serving of this Costco salmon pesto butter recipe contains approximately:

Calories: 230

Total Fat: 13.6g

Saturated Fat: 5.1g

Cholesterol: 80mg

Sodium: 115mg

Carbohydrates: 0.2g

Fiber: 0g

Sugar: 0g

Protein: 24g

What to serve with Costco salmon pesto butter?

This dish is delicious and served with a variety of sides. Here are some suggestions:

  • Salad: Serve the salmon with a fresh green salad for a light and healthy option.
  • Rice: Serve the salmon with white or brown rice for a heartier meal.
  • Vegetables: Serve the salmon with steamed or roasted vegetables for an easy side dish.
  • Pasta: Serve the salmon with your favorite pasta for a delicious meal.
  • Potatoes: Serve the salmon with mashed, roasted, or baked potatoes for a comforting meal.

How to store leftover Costco salmon pesto butter?

Leftover Costco salmon pesto butter can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

What other substitutes can I use in Costco salmon pesto butter?

If you don’t have all of the ingredients for this recipe, here are some substitutions:

  • Salmon: You can substitute any other type of fish for the salmon.
  • Pesto: If you don’t have any pesto, you can use store-bought or homemade basil pesto.
  • Butter: You can use olive oil or coconut oil instead of butter.
costco salmon pesto butter

Costco Salmon Pesto Butter Recipe

Are you looking for a delicious and easy-to-make recipe that your family will love?
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes
Course: Dinner
Cuisine: Italian, Mediterranean
Keyword: costco salmon pesto butter recipe
Servings: 8
Calories: 230kcal


  • Measuring spoons
  • Small bowl
  • Oven or Air fryer
  • Baking pan and Fork.


  • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter: High-quality butter for a luxurious velvety sauce.
  • 2 lbs Premium salmon: Succulent salmon for a delightful seafood experience.
  • 0.2 oz roughly 5.67 grams dill weed: Fragrant dill with citrusy undertones, enhancing the dish’s richness.
  • 2 tablespoons pesto: Exquisite basil-infused pesto for a burst of freshness and herbal notes.


  • Preheat oven to 400°F (or air fryer according to manufacturer’s instructions).
  • In a small bowl, combine butter and pesto using a fork until well blended.
  • Lay salmon on a baking pan or in an air fryer basket, skin-side down.
  • Spread the pesto-butter mixture over the top of the salmon.
  • Sprinkle dill weed on top of the pesto-butter mixture.
  • Bake in preheated oven for 15-17 minutes, or air fry for 10-15 minutes (adjusting for thickness).
  • Serve with your favorite sides and enjoy!


  • Make sure to use fresh and high-quality salmon for this recipe.
  • You can use either store-bought or homemade pesto for this dish.
  • The salmon should be cooked until it is just cooked through, about 15 minutes.
  • Be careful not to overcook the salmon as it can become dry.
  • To add extra flavor, you can add freshly chopped herbs to the pesto butter.
  • If you don’t have any fresh garlic, you can use powdered garlic instead.
  • You can use either salted or unsalted butter for this recipe.


Calories: 230kcal
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I make this dish ahead of time?

Yes, this dish can be made ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Can I freeze this dish?

Yes, this dish can be frozen for up to 3 months.

Can I use different types of fish for this recipe?

Yes, any type of fish can be used in this recipe.

Can I use different types of herbs for this recipe?

Yes, any type of herb can be used in this recipe.

Can I use other types of oil instead of butter?

Yes, you can use olive oil or coconut oil instead of butter.


Costco salmon pesto butter is a delicious and easy-to-make dish that your family and friends will love. It combines the flavors of salmon, pesto, and butter to make a unique and flavorful dish.

With a few simple ingredients and easy steps, you can make this dish in no time. This dish is perfect for any occasion and will surely impress your family and guests.

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Lori Walker is a passionate dietitian and food lover. She offers simple and nutritious recipes that don't take long to cook. In addition to sharing delicious dishes, she also shares useful advice on saving time and money in the kitchen. She believes that with a bit of creativity, anyone can make healthy meals that won't break the bank. Read more

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