Trader Joe’s Baby Back Ribs Recipe – Hungarian Chef

Last Updated on September 1, 2023

Trader Joe’s is an American chain of grocery stores known for its wide variety of unique products. Whether you’re looking for something exotic and new, or a classic comfort food, Trader Joe’s has it all. And that includes everyone’s favorite summertime staple: BBQ ribs!

These baby back ribs are inspired by Trader Joe’s own BBQ sauce and beef broth. It’s easy and quick enough to whip up on a weeknight! So pull out the aprons and preheat the oven – it’s time to get grilling!

Read on for full step-by-step instructions to make the perfect Trader Joe’s baby back ribs. We’ve also included every information regarding this dish. So grab your shopping list and let’s get started!

Trader Joe's Baby Back Ribs Recipe

What are Trader Joe’s Baby Back Ribs?

Trader Joe’s Baby Back Ribs is a delicious and easy-to-make dish that will have your friends and family begging for more. This uses Trader Joe’s own BBQ sauce and beef broth to provide a unique flavor, as it simmers in the oven.

Perfectly tender baby back ribs are covered in a sweet honey glaze, and topped with a delectable BBQ sauce. This dish is perfect for a summer cookout or weeknight dinner. Best of all, you don’t have to worry about any of the mess or hassle of grilling!

What does it taste like?

Trader Joe’s Baby Back Ribs is packed full of flavor. The honey glaze provides a sweet and sticky coating, while the barbecue sauce adds a smoky, tangy flavor. The beef broth helps to keep the ribs tender and juicy as they cook in the oven.

The combination of flavors makes this dish an absolute crowd-pleaser! The perfect balance of sweetness and smokiness is enough to make everyone’s mouth water!

How did I first get introduced to Trader Joe’s Baby Back Ribs?

I discovered Trader Joe’s Baby Back Ribs on a whim several years ago. I had just moved to a new city and decided to take an afternoon off from unpacking to explore the area. As I walked down the main street, I noticed a quaint-looking grocery store called Trader Joe’s.

I walked in and was amazed at all the unique products they had. I found myself drawn to the meat section, where I spotted some beautiful baby back ribs. Curiosity got the better of me, so I grabbed a couple of racks and decided to give it a try.

Once home, I looked up some recipes and stumbled across one for Trader Joe’s Baby Back Ribs. The combination of honey, BBQ sauce, and beef broth sounded delicious, so I decided to give it a shot.

I followed the recipe exactly as written, and was pleasantly surprised with the results. The ribs were perfectly tender and juicy with a sweet honey glaze and smoky BBQ goodness. Everyone at my dinner table that night agreed – these ribs were a definite hit!

Since then, I’ve been making Trader Joe’s Baby Back Ribs on a regular basis. And each time, it brings back wonderful memories of that first-afternoon adventure in my new hometown. There’s nothing quite like a good BBQ dish to remind me of the things I love most – great food and good company.

How to make Trader Joe’s Baby Back Ribs?

Making Trader Joe’s Baby Back Ribs is easy and doesn’t require any special grilling equipment. In just simple steps, you can make this sizzling summer favorite without leaving the comfort of your own home!

Follow these step-by-step instructions to create the perfect batch of Trader Joe’s Baby Back Ribs:

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  • Honey: This is the sweetener that helps to add flavor and a lovely glaze to the ribs.
  • Baby Back Ribs: This type of meat has tender, fall-off-the-bone goodness making it a popular choice for barbeque dishes.
  • Barbecue Sauce: This classic condiment adds an additional layer of smokiness and sweetness to the ribs.
  • Beef Broth: This helps to tenderize the ribs while adding a savory flavor.
Trader Joe's Baby Back Ribs Recipe

Step-by-step instructions

Step 1

Clean the ribs

  • Remove any excess fat and silverskin.
  • Pat the ribs dry with a paper towel, then lightly coat them with honey.

Step 2

Prepare the ribs for baking

  • Preheat the oven to 350°F.
  • Place the ribs on a baking sheet and spread ½ cup of barbecue sauce over each side.
  • Cover with foil and place in the preheated oven for hours.
  • After an hour, remove the foil and spoon another load of barbeque sauce onto the ribs, and return to the oven for an additional 30 minutes.

Step 3

Finish the ribs in the oven

  • When the ribs are nearly done, pour 1 quart of beef broth over each rack.
  • Return to the oven for a final 10 minutes.
  • When done, remove from the oven and let cool for 10 minutes before serving.


  • To get the best flavor, use a combination of different types of barbeque sauce.
  • If you want to add some additional heat, try adding a few dashes of your favorite hot sauce or chili powder.
  • For extra tender ribs, marinate overnight in a mixture of honey, spices, and beef broth.
  • To really bring out the flavor, brush on a thin layer of BBQ sauce right before serving.
Trader Joe's Baby Back Ribs Recipe
Trader Joe's Baby Back Ribs Recipe

Trader Joe’s Baby Back Ribs Recipe

Trader Joe's is an American chain of grocery stores known for its wide variety of unique products. Whether you're looking for something exotic and new, or a classic comfort food, Trader Joe's has it all. And that includes everyone's favorite summertime staple: BBQ ribs!
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour 20 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 40 minutes
Course: Main Course
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Trader Joe’s Baby Back Ribs Recipe
Servings: 3 people
Calories: 449kcal
Author: Rebecca Novak


  • Oven
  • foil
  • Baking sheet


  • 1 cup honey
  • 2 full racks of baby back ribs
  • 2 cups barbeque sauce
  • 1 quart beef broth


  • Clean and coat ribs with honey.
  • Bake in the oven for 1 hour covered, then add BBQ sauce and bake another 30 min uncovered.
  • Add beef broth and bake for 10 minutes more. Let cool before serving.



  • To get the best flavor, use a combination of different types of barbeque sauce.
  • If you want to add some additional heat, try adding a few dashes of your favorite hot sauce or chili powder.
  • For extra tender ribs, marinate overnight in a mixture of honey, spices, and beef broth.
  • To really bring out the flavor, brush on a thin layer of BBQ sauce right before serving.


Calories: 449kcal
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Nutrition Information

What to serve with Trader Joe’s Baby Back Ribs?

Here are some of the best sides to go along with Trader Joe’s Baby Back Ribs:

  • Delicious Sides: These ribs are delicious on their own, but if you’re looking for something to serve alongside them, consider a side of classic potato salad or coleslaw.
  • Refreshing Drinks: Serve it up with an ice-cold beer, lemonade, or any other refreshing beverage!
  • Sweet Treats: Finish off your meal with some sweet treats, such as a classic strawberry shortcake or ice cream.

How to store leftover Trader Joe’s Baby Back Ribs?

Leftover Trader Joe’s Baby Back Ribs can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Make sure to let it cool down completely before transferring it into an airtight container.

When you’re ready to enjoy the leftovers, simply heat them in an oven-safe dish until they reach your desired temperature. If you want to freeze the leftovers for future use, let them cool completely and then place them in a freezer-safe bag or container.

To reheat the ribs, thaw the frozen ribs overnight and then heat them in an oven-safe dish until they reach your desired temperature.

Can pregnant women eat this?

Pregnant women should always consult a healthcare professional before consuming any type of food, and Trader Joe’s Baby Back Ribs is no exception. While the dish contains mostly ingredients that are considered safe for pregnant women to consume, there is still some risk involved.

The honey glaze and BBQ sauce may contain small amounts of alcohol which can be harmful to an unborn baby. Additionally, pork ribs can also contain small amounts of bacteria that may be dangerous for pregnant women.

As such, it is best to check with a doctor or nutritionist before consuming this dish while pregnant. The key is to consume this dish in moderation and always ensure that it’s cooked through properly. If you are worried about the safety of eating this dish while pregnant, it is best to avoid it altogether.


Is Trader Joe’s Baby Back Ribs gluten-free?

Yes, Trader Joe’s Baby Back Ribs is a gluten-free dish. It does not contain any ingredients that contain wheat, rye, or barley which are the main sources of gluten in food.

Can this be served to vegans?

No, this dish cannot be served to vegans as it contains honey and pork ribs which are not vegan-friendly ingredients. However, vegetarians can enjoy this dish as long as they remove the pork ribs.

Can I make Trader Joe’s Baby Back Ribs in the slow cooker?

Yes, you can easily make this dish in the slow cooker. Simply follow the same steps as above but cook on low for 6-7 hours or until the ribs are tender. Be sure to check them periodically throughout cooking and add more liquid if needed.

Wrapping Up

Now that you know how to make the perfect Trader Joe’s Baby Back Ribs, it’s time to get cooking! Don’t forget to invite friends and family over for a delicious summer cookout – they’ll be sure to love these tasty ribs.

Thank you for trying out this Trader Joe’s Baby Back Ribs! This classic summer dish is sure to become one of your favorites – so be sure to enjoy it while the weather is still warm.

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Author Profile
Rebecca Novak, Registered Dietitian & Chef

Rebecca Novak is a trained chef with over 10 years of experience in the food industry. She has worked in both fine dining and casual Hungarian restaurants and specializes in creating dishes using fresh, seasonal ingredients. She also loves exploring different cuisines worldwide, which allows her to bring unique flavors and ideas to the recipes she creates for Read more

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